Book, Music and Lyrics by
Richard Uhrlaub
A new musical in development
about Adoption, Truth and Identity

The Journey
An unexpected pregnancy thrusts teen lovers into the stark arena of adult realities in the fall of 1967. An infertile married couple longs to become parents via a system rooted in secrecy and shame. A beloved baby must grow up severed from roots and forced to navigate seemingly insurmountable obstacles in attempts to discover their full identity as an adult. Drawn from decades of real-life timeless stories of love, longing, loss and the visceral human quest for identity, empowerment and connection, For the Record(s) resonates with anyone who has lost or found family.
Emotions run high in the world of closed adoptions and sealed records, but the potential human stakes are even higher.

"This is a beautiful and touching project destined for important, gorgeous things."
- Angela Parrish, Vocalist (La La Land), Songwriter, Composer, Record Producer
"I think this show will be popular! People in groups and choirs will want to perform these songs. Rich was a dream to work with!"
Shelly Bort-Zarka, Vocalist (Glee), Performer,
Musical Theatre Director
"Incredibly heartfelt musical - solid story - spurred on some really insightful conversations about the show and its themes."
- Rebecca Lowrey, CEO, Producer, Director, MusicalWriters, Inc.
New Musicals, Inc.
Livestreamed and in-person reading in North Hollywood, CA, performed by an outstanding cast! 11.18.24
"This show is full of very powerful songs!"
- Elise Dewsberry, NMI Creative Director

Untangling Our Roots Summit
Our amazing cast and musicians celebrate after receiving standing ovations at the Untangling Our Roots Summit held at the Hyatt Regency Denver/Aurora 4.26.24.
"Wow! Wow! Wow!" - Beth S.
MWI Pitch Contest Winner
For the Record(s) won a table reading with MusicalWriters, Inc. in Dallas, TX after being named a top two finalist in a tie!
"I laughed, I was sad, and I was informed!" - Kenady S.
Selected Finalist
Colorado New Musicals Festival, Broomfield Auditorium 8.22.23.
For the Record(s) was chosen from among dozens of submissions received from writers, lyricists and composers nationwide.
"No hyperbole - this was the best show of the festival!" - Jorge F.

As one audience member said, "This story needs to get out there!"
Do you know someone who might be interested in assisting with further development of For the Record(s) from page to stage?
Please help spread the word to local, university, regional and (dare we say it?!) off-Broadway theatres, producers, directors, and supporters. One-time contributions and ongoing benefactors are welcome and appreciated!
P.O. Box 24556
Denver, CO 80224
Copyright by Richard Uhrlaub 2024. All rights reserved.