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Beth Steury
Nat'l. Assn. of Adoptees and Parents (NAAP)
"My reaction in three words?
Wow! Wow! Wow!
'A Certain Date' evoked emotional memories of the moment I made that call."
Lori Holden
Adoptive mother, author, podcaster
"The nod to Beethoven in 'Baby Fever' is terrific. And 'Real Mother' conveys the poignant need of both mothers who live in this tension."
Patricia Taylor
Reunited mother, author, Certified Addictions Counselor
"Amazing! Tears during 'Real Mother' and 'A Certain Date!' Please let me know how I can support this effort. See you on Broadway!"
Kara Rubenstein Deyerin
Right to Know
"We'll take this as our anthem! 'Testify' took me back to my grandma's church as a child. You can't help but raise your hands and shout 'unify, testify!'"
Bruce Porth
"This show allowed me to access and release some long-buried emotions. What a liberating experience.
Thank you!"
Akara Skye
Adoption Knowledge Affiliates (AKA)
"I lost it when you dropped the song 'Testify.' Amazing. Inventive. Creative. I am beyond excited about this project. You blew the back of my head off."
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